This guide applies to all versions of Redsn0w. The pictures show v0.7 but this hasn’t changed. The guide has been updated for all firmwares.
Redsn0w jailbreak courtesy of Kosovar of thephoneproject, updated June 2, 2010.
Before beginning, please note that redsn0w may be a tethered-jailbreak for some of you users. Tethered-jailbreak means that anytime you reboot your device or your battery runs out, you will need to hook the device back up to the computer and run redsn0w again. (The device will go into recovery mode). Most devices will not be tethered using redsn0w. The following device types are tethered:
- iPhone 3gs manufactured after week 40 2009. (Look at your serial number in settings, general, about. If digit 3 is not a 9, and digits 4 and 5 are not 40 or less your device is tethered).
- iPod Touch 3rd generation - is tethered
- iPod Touch 2nd generation - is only tethered if model # has MC in it.
- iOS 4.0 devices only iPhone 3g is supported as of this time.
Redsn0w is specific to your firmware. The latest version does not jailbreak all firmware versions. Please download the tool version below based on your firmware or your operating system (MAC vs Windows).
Redsn0w v0.8 (firmware 3.0 & 3.0.1) MAC Windows
Redsn0w v0.9.4 (3.1.2, 3.1.3) MAC Windows
Redsn0w v0.9.5b5-3 (4.0 only iPhone 3g) MAC Windows
NEW –> Redsn0w v0.9.6b1 (4.1 only iPhone 3g) MAC Windows
Firmware 3.1 users, you must update or use another tool like pwnage.
For iPhone 2g unlock (skip if you do not need to unlock): Bootloader 3.9 and 4.6.
Appropriate firmware file. You can get all firmwares from my firmwares link.
(Note screenshots are from a PC, but they are the same as MAC)
Step 1) Run redsn0w
Step 2) Press “Browse” and find the correct firmware for your device. You should have downloaded it above because you should have read the needed files section! PLEASE make sure that if you have an iPhone 3G, your firmware should start with iPhone1,2, iphone 3gs firmware starts with iPhone2,_1 and if you have an iPhone 2G it should start with iPhone1,1! This is a big deal, it won’t work without the correct firmware!
Note one more thing. If you are jailbreaking firmware 3.1.3, feed redsn0w firmware 3.1.2. You can download the 3.1.2 firmware file from the firmwares section of this site. (Yes, that’s right. You restored with 3.1.3 but are using 3.1.2 firmware to jailbreak). For all other firmware versions, you should use the firmware that you used to restore.
Click “Open”, and redsn0w will process your firmware. When it is done, it should say “IPSW successfully identified”.
Step 3) On the next screen you will be able to install Cydia, and I suggest you do so. What’s the point of jailbreaking if you can’t install jailbroken apps? (rhetorical =) Note: DO NOT INSTALL ICY. At least at the point of this writing, there seem to be conflicts having both installed and Cydia handles apps better and you will have less problems.
Just hit the next button, and you will see this:
At this point, you want to turn your phone off. Hold the power button until you see the “slide to power off”, and do it!
The next screen wants you to follow a series of instructions that will put your phone in DFU Mode. This will allow redsn0w to perform the jailbreak. You need to do this correctly otherwise it won’t work. If you have any problems, see my DFU mode guide.
- Hold down the Power (corner) button for 3 seconds
- Without releasing the Power button, push the Home (bottom center) button for 10 seconds
- Without releasing the Home button, release the Power button BUT KEEP holding the Home button for 30 seconds.
Now your phone will be doing a series of things - and in the end, you will have a jailbroken iPhone! Please comment below with success, failure, and suggestions on the short guide.
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